Introduction to the course as a Course Instructor

Well, a few months ago, I got call from the program coordinator informing me about the course, and offering me to take with another very learned colleague.

I hesitated a bit, but again accepted the challenge completing a race, and constructing the race-track. In such cases, educators resort to online resources. In general, we learn how the course is conducted at other universities. We also consider factors like the following, subjectively:

  • Who are the target audience?
  • Which department is offering the course?
  • What are the learning outcomes of the course?
  • What are the course objectives of the course?

I hate the block editor. I could not make the first item of the bulleted list above un-bulleted.

I understand there might be some other workarounds to do it, but I do not understand why do you, the guys, would make some easy things turn in to a complex maze? In my opinion, the block editor is good for designing websites, with multiple options to interact with the user. It has a bad learning curve and not worth investing this much amount of time to learn to do regular things again, in a different way, just to use the platform.

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